EDUCATION IN CONFLICT ZONES This event is aimed at identifying strategies towards ensuring safety and security for students in Nigeria
EDUCATION IN CONFLICT ZONES This event is aimed at identifying strategies towards ensuring safety and security for students in Nigeria
Climate Change, COVID-19 and Conflict: Youth and F... Virtual roundtable of industry experts and researchers to commemorate International Youth Day, 2021.
The Governance Global Practice and Open Government... The Governance Global Practice and Open Government Partnership present: A discussion around some of the findings of the...
Partners United Monthly Meeting The Yar’Adua Foundation respectfully requests for your partnership/support to serve as a Key Contributor on the Partners...
StakeHolder Workshop on Anti- Corruption Bills Organized by The Center for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch, in collaboration with The Administration of Crimina...
Partners United Monthly Meeting The Yar’Adua Foundation is pleased to invite you to a virtual meeting to discuss sustainable utilization of the Partners...
Stakeholders Workshop On Antui-Money Laundering/Co... Center For Fiscal Transparency And Integrity Watch
Radio Town-hall meeting on whistleblowing in Niger... A one-hour talk show on Kiss 99.9 FM, Abuja Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
How to Fix Nigeria How To Fix Nigeria is a National hybrid online and physical youth and innovation led multi-stakeholder event and platfor...
3_Days_Capacity_Building_Open_Gorvernment_Partners... Sensitization_and_Capacity_Building_of_Non_State_actors_in_Adamawa_state_on_the_OGP.