African Centre for Media and Information Literacy
Event Information
title :
Radio Town-hall meeting on whistleblowing in Nigeria A one-hour talk show on Kiss 99.9 FM, Abuja Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Event Date :
Wednesday 07th July, 2021
Event Location :
Kiss FM, Abuja or Facebook live stream @CORANigeria
overview :
The radio talk show, although in collaboration with the Progressive Impact Organisation for Community Development (PRIMORG), is part of the whistleblowing advocacy activities of Corruption Anonymous (CORANigeria). CORANigeria is one of the projects of the African Centre for Media and Information Literacy (AFRICMIL). The talk show is part of a series that began in June 2021. It airs concurrently on Ray Power 100.5 FM and Kiss 99.9 FM Abuja every week. It is expected to generate discussions around the whistleblowing policy, whistleblowing, the whistleblower and the antigraft war in Nigeria. It also seeks to sensitise Nigerians on whistleblowing and the whistleblowing policy.
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