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Center for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch

  • mail@fiscaltransparency.org

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Nigeriansdecide2023: Addressing Transparency Concerns Ahead of Governorship & States Assemblies Polls


Event Information

  • title :
    Nigeriansdecide2023: Addressing Transparency Concerns Ahead of Governorship & States Assemblies Polls
  • Event Date :
    Friday 10th March, 2023
  • Event Location :
    @FTransparencyNG - Twitter Spaces
  • overview :

    As Nigerians prepare to elect Governors across 28 states and lawmakers for the Houses of Assembly in the 36 states, there are concerns about the transparency of the process as a result of lapses observed during the February 25 Presidential and National Assembly elections.

    Join us tomorrow as we discuss these concerns ahead of the gubernatorial polls which will now hold on the 18th of March, 2023.

    Join here: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1dRJZMAQdmgGB

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