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Follow the Money in Kaduna State, A Case Study of Accountability in Neglected Communities

  • Description :

    A Nigerian youth-led organization called Connected Development (CODE) is catalyzing one of the largest social movements in Africa, “Follow The Money” (FTM), which transforms corruption into opportunities for neglected communities by empowering them to demand accountability in the delivery of government goods and services earmarked for their communities. This case study illustrates how the MacArthur Foundation’s investment of USD 350,000 has contributed to FTM’s investigative monitoring and, ultimately, the delivery of USD 1.5 million (570 million Naira) in education infrastructure across Kaduna State alone. This has led to an increase in the number of children enrolled in school over a period of three years. By dissecting FTM’s processes and successes, this case study highlights learnings for actors in civil society and government, as well as funders working to improve accountability in public service delivery in neglected communities. This case study also introduces “localization at scale” as a new approach that holds promise for scaling up accountability initiatives.

    This case study was researched and written by Reboot in partnership with CODE. It is part of a series of case studies that evaluate and disseminate the impact and lessons learned from the MacArthur Foundation’s On Nigeria program.

  • Date Posted :
    2025-02-24 12:49:08
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