Partners United


Transparency & Accountability

  • Description :

    Conflict and social unrest are more likely in countries with high levels of corruption or a lack of effective rule of law or government accountability than in other developing countries. Corruption has a negative influence on the delivery of health, education, and other social benefits, and it contributes to the perpetuation of poverty and other inequities. Residents lose faith in a government that cannot provide fundamental services; as a result, the ability of a government to carry out its tasks at any level can often decide a country's ability to sustain democratic changes and provide for its citizens' well-being. All of this is contingent on governments that are accountable, the law being applied fairly and openly, and international human-rights standards being respected: 1. Political and legal systems that are free and fair 2. Human rights protection 3. Civil society that is thriving 4. The public's trust in the police and the courts is low. 5. Reforming the Security Sector We should continually ask each other, "How important is transparency and accountability?" We can then respond, act, and be held accountable for our actions.

  • Date Posted :
    2021-11-20 18:25:52
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